Kind Words
"Shari Hughson is a gifted speaker who is able to captivate her audience with clarity and conviction. She has mastered the art of storytelling, framing her speech in the narrative of a personal story in order to convey her greater message on the power of innovation. As I heard students behind me whisper to one another how moved they were with the talk I knew Shari was not only able to instil inspiration within myself, but more importantly able to awaken a thirst for change within an entire generation.”
— Rachel Mackintosh, TEDx Delegate
“A very impactful and inspiring talk with a very smooth transition from one topic to another. Spoke straight from the heart and we could feel the energy and enthusiasm as Shari spoke about her exciting adventures and experiences. The talk led us to a great journey of finding solutions of each problem as it arises and revived my love for Innovation. If innovation was a person, it would be Shari. Definitely in my top 5 favourite TED Talks.”
— Mustafa Ansari, Founder MAP Digital Agency
"Shari Hughson is an excellent speaker and a true innovative leader. Her ability to leave an audience feeling inspired is unparalleled.
If you ever have the chance to see Shari speak, you won’t regret it!”
— Josh Daiter, MMIE Candidate 2019